Thursday, March 19, 2009

Analysis Paralysis



You know what is worse than taking a bad decision? Yes, you guessed it, not taking one. I've come across some very intelligent individuals who just couldn't make a decision and vacillated between alternatives, even when they did make a decision.

The thing which baffles me the most is that some of them are highly experienced, worldly wise and extremely intelligent individuals. I could spend hours with them talking about anything and everything under the sun and would come out of the discussion learning new things. But, I'm not sure what happens the moment they have to make a decision. They would either tend to consult lot of people before making a decision lest they might hurt someone's feelings/pride or would have their mental tectonic plates gyrate passionately on both the sides.

Something just takes over the cerebral faculties and clouds their judgement. Sometimes, these individuals take so much time that the issue becomes irrelevant. On second thoughts, it might not be such a bad thing at all as the issue does get solved :)  I'm not sure if it is the case of not feeling empowered enough, fear of failure, over cautiousness, or a mere passion for over analysis but they need to tell themselves that they are in a leadership position because someone thought they deserved it(most of the times, they truly are deserving) and they ought to get things going.

The thing that might work in these cases is constant follow up regarding the pending decision after a resolution deadline has been setup. I know it could be hard and there is a chance that you might offend your peer or senior by the regular follow-ups but I've seen it work sometimes.

What are some of the strategies/suggestions you would recommend to tackle this behaviour?


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Rajeev said...
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